The Australian Dorper and White Dorper Association attended its first public event since its formation with a promotional site at the Cleanskin Sheep Symposium conducted recently at the Adelaide Showground.
Thanks to Trisha and Charles Esson, and Neil and Di Gadsden for staffing the stand, assisting with many questions on the Dorper and White Dorper breeds and for promoting the new Association. The Essons and Gadsdens were supported by a number of other members who had entered sheep displays.
For more detail on the event, view the below report provided by CSA.

Pictured is Trisha Esson, Tamesha Gardner and Di Gadsden at the ADWDA site.
Photo courtesy Stock Journal.
"Many Questions Answered"
The Adelaide Showground hosted 170 people for the second Cleanskin Sheep Australia Symposium on the 10th and 11th February. Titled "Management and Production - Your Questions Answered" the Symposium focused on the practical side of raising cleanskin / fleece shedding breeds.
Dr Alex Ball, MLA, informed attendees of the world demand for lamb, expected supply in Australia and issues that producers need to address in 'getting serious' about meat production.
Angus McTaggart, Sean O'Brien and Peter Colless spoke on production in the Pastoral, Cereal and High Rainfall areas of Australia. Each used different management tools on their properties which were extremely informative. The topic of 'Changing Enterprises' from teh viewpoint of a Merino breeder was address by Sara Wilson who changed to cleanskin / fleece shedding sheep due to higher returns and less management.
The retail sector was covered by Jamie McTaggart, Spear Creek Dorper Lamb and Trevor Hill of Bruce's Meats located at Mitcham Shopping Centre. Marketing was the focus of their presentations, with Trevor highlighting that he now only purchases Dorper lamb supplied direct by Jamie for his shop. A BBQ dinner was held in the Old Ram Shed where diners enjoyed Spear Creek Dorper lamb kindly donated by the McTaggarts.
Breed Society and commercial displays were located in the Sheep Pavilion while in the main judging ring talks on the attributes of various breeds were presented by various stud breeders.
The event was extremely successful with many ideas for the next Symposium already in the pipeline, including stock handling, practical demonstrations of scanning and AuctionsPlus sales. For more reports visit